Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2nd home

yep, i sure did! pinoy represent!
taking part in the elections yesterday was quite surreal. it was like an exclamation point to the citizenship process we went through last month. US citizen, but a Filipino through and through.

ah, i miss home. after all, my heart belonged there. 

but this is our home now. the present. and this home has been good to us through the 7 years i've been here. 

as i casted my ballot, i sent out a fervent prayer that things may get better .... for our kids, for our family and for our second home.

during our oath-taking ceremonies


  1. i think its such a bittersweet prayer whenever we pray for our present homes, we also pray for our original homes..we know we will always belong there, but one foot also is in another soil=)
    your elections are quite a talk here in the UK..coz whatever happens there, seems to impact here..hugs Yen..i love that youre writing again=)

  2. thanks Chel! for stopping here, didn't even realize naa diay gabasa dri besides me =)

    lagi. no matter what happens or where we are, our thoughts and yearnings always go back to our homeland. oh, the results of the elections wasn't what we would have wanted, but we're hopeful .... must never lose hope.

  3. I admire people who exercise their right to vote. :)

    Dale is so cute! :)

  4. Thanks Ai! Hightech kaayo sila diri oi ... i wonder unsa pud tong computerized voting sa atoa, if it's similar ba here.


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